21st July

21/07/2012 14:55

Three to go at today.


1. 8.5 and 9.2 drifting, drifted a bit so took 12

2. 7.5 and 8 drifting this meeting is off

3. 12 and 13.5.I managed to get 13 here 



1. Prince Du Marais, drifted like a barge and I was worried here I had 12, he went off at 16, turned out nothing to worry about as he tradecall the way to odds on and finished third, still all I got was my £16 all green.

2. Off

3. Eton Forever my 13 looked good as I got 10 before the off so was all traded at 10 for my £30 or so, less commission of course, jsut as well as Eton did nothing in running, my strategy is working.

